DD25 Guide Rod Diesel Pile Hammer Factory | 2.5ton

Palu tiang pancang diesel batang pemandu seri DD: Merupakan mesin penggerak tiang pancang yang bekerja dengan menggunakan prinsip mesin pembakaran internal dua langkah.

  • Massa Kompleks Silinder: 2,5 ton
  • Max. Energi: 62,5 Kj
  • Palu batang pemandu lebih mudah dihidupkan
  • Harga yang kompetitif
  • Menghemat bahan bakar

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Juwei adalah produsen dan pemasok 1 teratas palu tiang pancang diesel batang pemandu DD di Cina. Palu pemancang tiang diesel seri DD dari Juwei memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 30 tahun dalam hal desain, manufaktur, dan aplikasi. Klik tombol “Pabrik” untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut!

Palunya batang pemandu D untuk diesel dapat dibagi menjadi tipe ringan, sedang, dan berat.

# Model Cahaya

Modelnya meliputi: DD4, DD6, DD12, DD18, DD25, DD30

Palu diesel tipe batang pemandu ringan ini dirancang untuk memancang beton bertulang, tiang logam, tiang kayu, dan tiang lembaran di bawah tanah. Perangkat multifungsi ini sangat penting dalam berbagai aplikasi bangunan, termasuk:

  • Proyek Teknik Tenaga Listrik
  • Yayasan Industri Minyak dan Gas
  • Konstruksi pondasi dan platform untuk bangunan industri dan sipil

This pile driving equipment is usually installed on tracked and wheeled machinery. The modernization of crawler cranes and excavators involves the installation of piles to achieve efficient operation.

The main features of this lightweight pile driving equipment include its enormous impact force and durable piston rings. This hammer is widely exported to regions such as Russia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Africa, and Southeast Asia, and its reliability and performance have been recognized.

# Medium Model

Model include: DD35, DD45, DD55, DD65, DD75, DD85, DD105

The medium guide-rod pile hammer is suitable for driving various types of piles, including reinforced concrete piles, steel piles, sheet piles, H-beams, round piles, square piles, and wooden piles. This medium-sized pile driving equipment is very suitable for foundation and support structures in the following fields:

  • Oil and gas industry
  • Electricity and Energy
  • Industry
  • civil engineering
  • hydraulic engineering

This pile driver hammer is compatible with crawler cranes, excavators, pile drivers with masts, floating pile drivers, and walking pile drivers, and has versatility and efficiency.
Our medium DD diesel hammers are widely exported to Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Africa, and South America.

#Heavy Model

Model include: DD128, DD160, DD180, DD200, DD220, DD300, DD350, DD400, DD450, DD500

The heavy DD pile diesel hammer has the heaviest impact component, making it the most efficient equipment for pile driving operations. It is an ideal choice for the following purposes:

  • Offshore Operations
  • Offshore Drilling Platforms
  • Deepwater Ports
  • Bridge Construction
  • Terrestrial and Aquatic Building Projects

Our heavy-duty diesel hammers are widely used in North America, South America, the Middle East, Asia, Africa, Europe, Russia and Turkey.
DD-128 and DD-200: equipped with two guide rails for moving impact components.
DD-300 and heavier models: using four guide rails, can be stacked at a 1:3 inclination

Click button “DD Series Details” to learn more!

#Solusi Khusus:

Our engineering team can customize solutions based on your project situation. You can provide a soil address report, pile type, and pile driving equipment. We provide a cylinder hammer that is compatible with the design.

#Pengemasan & Transportasi:

Pengemasan: Menggunakan alat transportasi baja standar ekspor untuk pengemasan
Transportasi: transportasi kontainer 20GP atau 40GP


Spesifikasi Jenis DD25
Cylinder Complex Mass kg 2500
Max. Cylinder Stroke m 2.5
Frequency min-l 42~50
Max. Energy kj 62.5
Oil Consumption L/h 10
Force of Explosion Pile KN 968
Reduction Ratio 18
Hammer Mass kg 4600
Guide Distance satuan 360/330

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